Author Archives: Oxford Modern Languages IT Support
Oxford Psalter (Douce 320)
To accompany the publication of Ian Short’s edition of The Oxford Psalter, we have commissioned the digitisation of Oxford, Bodleian Library, Douce 320. A link to the manuscript is provided in the right-hand column.
Tony Hunt’s Paroles Salomun is out!
I am delighted to confirm that Tony Hunt’s edition of Les Paroles Salomun (vol. 70, for 2012) has now left the binders, and should be reaching subscribers in the coming days. Many thanks again for your patience!
Vol. 70 for 2012: Hunt, Paroles Salomun
After a few delays beyond our control, vol. 70 for 2012, Tony Hunt’s edition of Les Paroles Salomun, is now bound and ready for distribution, and should be reaching subscribers before the end of this month. Sincere apologies, and many … Continue reading
Publication of interest
Livres et ?critures en fran?ais et en occitan au XIIe si?cle: Catalogue illustr?, by Maria Careri, Christine Ruby, and Ian Short, with collaboration from? Terry Nixon and Patricia Stirnemann More info:
Bristol paper
Added details of a paper of interest being delivered in Bristol on 24/05/2012 by ANTS member Marianne Ailes, together with Ad Putter.
Portail de la Base de Fran?ais M?di?val
The new Portail de la Base de Fran?ais M?di?val is about to launch, and features excerpts from a number of ANTS texts. Our best wishes to our friends leading this exciting project!
IIIe Journ?e d’Etudes Anglo-Normandes
Information regarding the forthcoming Journ?e d’Etudes Anglo-Normandes in Paris, together with links to full programme and inscription form, have been uploaded.
Brut: replacement copies sent
The replacement copies for the defective Brut have now been distributed, and should be reaching subscribers over the coming days. Our thanks again for your patience in the resolution of this matter.
Brut: latest update
We have received notification that the reprint of Brut is now complete, and hope that distribution will be completed during April. Our thanks again for our members’ patience.
Defective Brut: update
Following the discovery of the printing error in Pagan’s Brut, ?the printers have kindly agreed to undertake the re-printing, re-binding, and re-distribution of an amended version. This process is now in train, and we hope that subscribers will receive their … Continue reading